First, the "WHAT"!! Welcome to Models n' Moore a website that intends to attract your attention by offering free paper model downloads from various designers, original articles pertaining to various aspects of the modeling community, and a gallery of personal models.
Models n' Moore has made a strong start wih an impressive lineup including being the exclusive host site for the outstanding original paper models created by Magnus Mörck; an impressive array of paper models created by C T Ertz; and the original models of created by myself otherwise know as fishBait.
Now a word about those free downloads. Be sure and read the terms of service agreement. It is important to make sure that you follow those terms. The original designers are allowing the models to be downloaded free and want to protect their own creative inititive.
We also need to discuss other websites posting links to Models n' Moore . The link and hosting page goes into great detail on this subject as well as hosting third party designer models. Please take the time to read this page.

Finally, a few words concerning myself and why I do this. Building models has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. Balsa cutouts, gliders, and cereal box items early on. Then the stick and tissue models. Control line flying and plastics held sway for a number of years. Then HO and N scale came into play. In addition, I have articles published in "Fine Scale Modeling" and "Model Railroader" magazines. Other hobbies also demand a share of my time; ham radio and fishing. And it seems that I am always tinkering with some type of project. I will show some of those on the gallery page.
It must be admitted that sabbaticals occurred along the way due to work & family needs. The photo is an interesting study,
45 years seperate the two tank models.
And that's the "WHY"!! Enjoy!